Do You Want To Feel Safer, More Connected, Better Able To Control Emotions And Behaviors, And Think More Clearly?
In the hectic, chaotic world we live in today, it's challenging to feel safe. We know that mental and physical health challenges develop globally due to rapid societal change and adverse life experiences.
A few of these challenges include stress-related physical conditions, differences in sensory processing, difficulty paying attention, learning or thinking, dysregulation of the nervous system, hypersensitivity to auditory stimulation, and social, emotional, and attachment disorders.
Although traditional treatments help, many have experienced adverse experiences, ADHD, PTSD, or autism that continue to face challenges. When these challenges are not resolved, it impacts the quality of life for the individual and families. This affects how we think and feel and has an external effect on our ability to connect with others and the world around us.
Based on Polyvagal Theory, the SSP is a visionary intervention designed to improve an individual's social communication behaviors by reducing hearing sensitivities and improving the ability to process human speech.
The goal is to feel better, think better, and connect better.
This looks like responding more effectively to the challenges in life by responding versus reacting. When we think better, we can learn and retain important concepts that improve confidence and additional contribution to society. Finally, we can connect better by developing relationships and genuinely connecting with others.
Respond vs. React
Enable Greater Confidence
Build Positive Social Relationships
Respond vs. React 〰️ Enable Greater Confidence 〰️ Build Positive Social Relationships 〰️
Polyvagal Theory
Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges is often referred to as the “science of feeling safe.”
Polyvagal Theory focuses on what’s happening in our bodies and nervous system. It helps us connect how our feelings of safety, danger, or threat influence our behavior.
The research from Polyvagal Theory helps us build a therapeutic frame to be delivered through a physiological or a “bottom-up” approach. This “bottom-up” technique works with how the body responds to our surroundings, helping change and enhance how we think, feel, and connect with other people.
What Is The Safe and Sound Protocol?
The SSP is a five-hour auditory intervention that regulates the body’s physiological state, improving the ability to relax, unwind, fall asleep, and stay asleep. The SSP addresses many common symptoms experienced by children and adults. Two additional days are added to the beginning and end of the listening program for preparation and integration.
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) created by Dr. Stephen Porges is based on the Polyvagal Theory.
The SSP stimulates nervous system regulation and can help with difficulties such as anxiety, anger, irritability, social interaction, and auditory sensitivity.
This cutting-edge approach uses filtered vocal music to send signals of calming safety that train the ear to tune out signals of danger (low-frequency sounds) and instead tune in to more signals of safety (high-frequency sounds like the human voice). The music is heard through headphones via a digital app while engaging in a calm activity.
“If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer.”
― Dr. Stephen Porges
Who might benefit from SSP?
Dr. Porges began utilizing the SSP with children with autism, resulting oftentimes in remarkable changes. Now we know that the SSP can also help individuals with:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Chronic Anxiety
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Relationship Difficulties
Social Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Behavioral Acting Out
Learning Problems
Sleep Problems (due to worry and rumination)
Self-Medicating (overeating, shopping, gambling)
Mood Dysregulation
Auditory Hypersensitivities
Misophonia (a strong reaction to certain sounds, such as dripping water, chewing, tapping)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder
Emotional Regulation Difficulties
Feel Better
Think Better
Connect More
Feel Better 〰️ Think Better 〰️ Connect More 〰️
What to Expect from the SSP?
SSP assists in relaxing the physiological and emotional state, which leads to improved communication and more successful therapy. It is the only way to integrate Polyvagal Theory fully into practice. Some of the changes that occur with SSP may emerge immediately. Most changes occur over three months or more as the individual can engage and relate in new ways. SSP is best seen as a medium to enable proactive, positive choices and an adjunct to other therapies rather than a standalone intervention.
Investment In Yourself
The SSP is a five-hour auditory intervention. Two sessions are reserved for preparation and integration. Participating in the SSP via the digital app requires you to provide your own set of over-the-ear headphones and possibly some supplies.
Given that the SSP is designed to be an adjunct to therapy, you must be in treatment while participating in the listening program. If you are not currently in therapy, we will schedule 5-7 individual therapy sessions following the end of your listening program to process the work. We offer SSP combined with EMDR. The EMDR is done in intensive blocks. For more information please email
For Clinicians
Because the SSP is an adjunct service, we will happily coordinate care for the duration of the SSP and then transition your client back into your care to continue your work together. We also offer EMDR as an adjunct and offer EMDR Intensives if that better suits the client. Payment arrangements will be considered as needed.
How Does The SSP work?
The key to understanding the SSP is knowing the significance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is best described as our “personal surveillance system.” It is continually deciding and responding to the question, “Am I safe?”
Suppose our ANS is continually aroused through trauma or toxic, chronic stress. Our middle ear muscles shift away from listening for a human voice and instead listens for low-frequency background noises in preparation for the need to respond (fight or flight). Think of constantly “reading the room”. This makes us much less able to be socially engaged and much more likely to be reactive.
The specially calibrated music in SSP trains the auditory pathways to focus on the frequency of human speech and tune out background noise frequencies. Once the ear begins to work more normally, we are more available for social engagement (we must feel safe to be socially engaged). We thus can experience the safety of our relationships much more fully.
Cautions For The Use Of SSP
Dr. Porges has expressed that the SSP is a “potent” intervention. Many users experience stronger emotions for a short time as their defense mechanisms lower. There are some indications that SSP is not an appropriate intervention if the following is occurring:
Living in a home or work situation that is not currently safe
Current life upheaval
Trauma that has never been addressed in therapy
History of disassociation
Ongoing substance abuse
Current self-harm