Perfectly F@%#ing Imperfect

A membership site for successful and daring women to learn how to tell their inner imposter to Fuck Off.

We Are Bravery Builders, Confidence Crafters, And Shame Shifters

You’re full of doubt about yourself and your accomplishments.

You have worked and worked to overcome the odds, fighting incredibly hard to earn your victory. You didn't have anything or anyone to fall back on, so you toughened up and pushed through. Your determination, tenacity, and dreams are what got you through each day.

  •   You have managed to create a life that you love. You are accomplished, and everyone thinks you have it all.

  • Something deep inside has always told you that success was possible. Even in the most chaotic times, this voice said if you keep pushing forward, you will make it through.

  • You have always been a high achiever, setting and meeting your goals.

It helped you develop resilience...but now it feels like you don't understand how the fuck you got where you are.

What if you could lean into your doubt and harness it as your superpower?

In the past, you have just pushed through that nagging, doubtful voice that tells you that you will never be good enough. You are tired of hiding how you feel and putting on a brave face while inside; you feel so inept. You want how you appear on the outside to others to be how you feel on the inside about yourself. On the outside, you look super successful, goal-oriented, and driven, but on the inside, you are a hot mess!

You frequently feel on the edge of being “found out,” like what if today is the day Shit Gets Real.

You worry you oversold yourself and your abilities.

        Some days you feel like you know all the things and have All Your Shit Together.

Other days, you don’t know how in the hell you have come this far.

         Your greatest fear is, oh wait, who are we kidding...

All. The. Fears.

You have to constantly remind yourself that feeling like a failure does not mean you are a failure. You have tangible proof of your success.

Men and women at the top of their professional game feel it the most. And the more success they attain, the worse this feeling can become. In fact, most women feel like frauds more intensely and frequently due to the social construct of what it means to "be a woman.”



Well, I’m here to tell you-you're not alone.

Having it all is possible both on the inside and the outside. You are completely capable of being your badass, successful self AND connecting with the world around you. Every person is capable of crafting a life filled with joy - if they do the work to create it.

Even though you feel afraid now, it doesn’t have to keep you from living your best life.

You Know You Are Ready for This Experience If:

·         You want the freedom to be exactly who you are with NO APOLOGIES!

·         You seek a renewed sense of confidence to silence the inner critic-and we know that bitch can be loud when she gets started!

·         You want to rebel against the feelings of shame and inadequacy and revel in your inner light.

   The bottom line is owning your shit and loving yourself is really hard. And it’s normal to doubt your worth when you only rely on external validation.

That’s where Perfectly Fucking Imperfect comes in…

We are bravery builders, shame shifters, and confidence crafters.

You don’t want to feel like a victim of your circumstances anymore. Because there’s nothing more painful than not believing you deserve how far you’ve gotten. The way you doubt yourself shows up everywhere.

You don’t want to feel like a victim of your circumstances anymore. Because there’s nothing more painful than not believing you deserve how far you’ve gotten. The way you doubt yourself shows up everywhere.

It spreads like wildfire through your romantic relationships, your work, and even when you’re with your closest friends. Life definitely hasn’t been easy, but you honestly believe that you have the power to shape your world if you only had the tools and extra support you need.

Even though you’ve gotten yourself to a place of success, the accomplishments don’t mean much because you can’t internalize them and the people around you just don’t get how you feel.

You envy those who have the confidence to take on the world.

You know it’s time to own your shit and show up the way you want to at work and in your relationships.

Authentic, imperfect, and confident…OWNING IT!

Restore Resilience

You foster resilience when you avoid the dramas of life and handle the stress thrown your way allowing you to bounce back to your healthy self. You will learn tangible tools to help you heal and grow.

Craft Confidence

When we say, we will craft confidence we don’t just mean increasing your self-worth. Not everyone has the same challenges that drive how they feel about themselves. We will work together to craft what confidence means for you whether it be through affirmation, gratitude, changing thought patterns, goal setting, or helping others you will learn what makes you believe in you.

More About Me

Perfectly Fucking Imperfect Is

        Where professional women can let their hair and their guard down.

        A place to gain support and connection from a community of like-minded women.

        Where we take our self-doubt to die and build strength and confidence in it’s place.

         Where we build each other up, without passing judgment on each other or ourselves. It is a collaboration, not competition.

       Where we learn skills to ignite the passion we have lost to self-doubt and stress.

Perfectly Fucking Imperfect Isn’t


    A quick fix.

         For those with no sense of humor.

         For the easily offended.

        A place for the faint of heart.

When You Subscribe to Perfectly Fucking Imperfect You Will

Build Bravery

You may be wondering how you build bravery or what it means to own your own shit. To build bravery, we first have to figure out what it is that is creating our unhappiness. Once you’ve identified what challenges you the most the work can begin. Most likely, the biggest thing holding you back is fear.

Owning your own shit means knowing and understanding that we are all flawed and have doubts, but we will no longer accept fear running our lives. We will own it.

We will own the fear. We will develop courage. We will own the baggage.

We will own our own shit.

Create Community

Being surrounded by like-minded folks helps each of us in knowing we are not alone. As cliché as it may sound, there truly is strength in numbers. It is vastly important to me to create a network of women that can rely on each other when no one else really “gets it”!

Shift Shame

Shifting shame is imperative to feel confident and live the vibrant life you’ve been dreaming about. We will put shame in its place and replace it with a newfound sense of freedom from the stress and fear it causes!

Here is How it Works:

Each month a lesson will drop about imposter syndrome, what is it, what causes it, the impact it can have on your daily life, and how to tell it to F-Off!

You will have access to your coach and all members of the site on Voxer, a free, walkie-talkie-type app, where you can text or talk. As well as a secret Facebook group for deeper connections between members.

Once every month, there will be a live real-time Q & A where your coach will answer as many questions or concerns as possible. This will take place on Voxer and/or Facebook.

Every first and third Monday we will have a live Hot Seat type call where one member will sit in the virtual “hot seat” and share their stories, successes, and failures with the group. This is a great way to learn from and grow with each other.

There will also be spaces available for 1:1 coaching, by application only and limited spots will be offered.

Hey, there I See You...

The Mom that never feels like she’s doing motherhood right.

The Solopreneur that feels like they have to do it all on their own for it to count.

Those that found success but wonder why the only life they have is sipping wine in sweatpants watching Netflix with their cat.

What do we all have in common?

Feeling like we don’t measure up like we are not good enough, smart enough, thin enough. Just never enough.

Yes, I said we!

I’ve been there. I’ve been that Mom that struggled between working and her new baby.

I’ve been the entrepreneur with big dreams and fears that were just as big.

I’ve seen it show up in my education. I graduated from Wake Forest University. When I was first accepted to Wake Forest, I remember thinking there had to be a mistake- it was just chance or dumb luck that they chose me.

I’ve seen it show up in my relationships as well because I didn’t always have the confidence needed to stand up for myself and I felt inadequate like I did not belong.

I found myself having to say I would fake it till I make it more often than not.

Eventually, though, I’d had enough of this and decided to own my own shit, get real, and tell imposter syndrome to fuck off.

I don’t want to just help you fake it till you make it...I want to help you fake it till you become it.


This membership site experience is perfect for you if:

If you want to kick perfectionism to the curb and embrace loving yourself.

If you are tired, so so tired of putting on a brave face.

You want to enjoy your success.

You are tired of feeling like a victim of circumstances, tired of blaming yourself for failures, and tired of not being able to celebrate your wins.

You not only are ready to celebrate yourself but want to build a community around like-minded women.

This experience is not a good fit for you if:

Your fear is greater than your desire for change.

You tear others down to build yourself up.

You refuse to believe change is possible. Cynics and skeptics are welcome but only if you acknowledge that your true inner desire is transformation into who you always knew you could be.

You’re willing to change but not willing to invest the time. It takes commitment and sometimes that involves sacrifice in order to transform yourself into who you want to be.

Your experience with imposter syndrome includes a clinical diagnosis such as major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder, other clinical anxiety disorders, or other mental health concerns. They should be addressed by a licensed clinical professional in a therapeutic manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to devote to this?

We know you're busy, so the monthly lessons will be kept concise easy to follow, and around 30 minutes. There are two hot seat calls per month, as well as one Wednesday Q and A call monthly. You can choose how active you want to be in the Voxer and Facebook communities.

What's the point of the Facebook group?

The Facebook group and Voxer are meant to be ways for us to connect with each other. We will build community through both. Our Facebook group will be secret, closed, and only available to members. It is intended to be a place where we can all share when something goes wrong in our day when something goes right. Where we can share something funny that you saw or that happened in your day, or merely a place to encourage one another. It is a way for us to learn about each other and ourselves, a way to motivate ourselves and each other.

Voxer will be used for processing the lessons and then any questions comments or issues related to that month's lesson.

I've never experienced online coaching do I need to do anything special?

There is no special equipment needed, only a stable internet connection. If you can stream movies or television, your connection should be fine. You will need to have access to Facebook if you choose to join that community, and you will need to download Voxer and Zoom. Voxer and Zoom are both free software. Zoom is necessary for the hot seat calls when you are featured.

What's a Q&A call?

The once monthly, one-hour Q&A call will be an opportunity to present any questions or concerns from the group and dive deeper into solutions based on input from the coach and other participants. Questions will be posted on Voxer, and the coach will facilitate answering in real-time.

What if I want to cancel my membership?

You will have access to everything included in the membership until midnight of the last day you have paid for. No refunds will be given, as you pay for what you use and may cancel at any time.

So what is a hot seat call?

Every first and third Monday, we will have a hot seat call. One group member will sit in the virtual "hot seat" to share their stories, successes, and failures with the group. The member in the hot seat for that week will meet with the coach in the zoom room. Audio and video will be recorded and posted into the Facebook group.

How is this different from a support group for a free group on Facebook?

You will have direct access to an experienced professional to guide and support you, while you learn and grow into the confident, 'give no fucks' woman you know you can be. It is a way for us to learn about each other and ourselves, a way to motivate ourselves and each other.

What is your experience?

Although this is a coaching endeavor, I am also a licensed professional clinical counselor supervisor in private practice. I am currently a student working on a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with an addiction specialization (Ph.D.) degree.

Although imposter syndrome seems like a simple fix, if you can just learn to appreciate your success, the real work is in identifying what makes you feel like a fraud.

Those feelings often come from insecurity, fear, shame, distorted thinking, numbed emotions or unidentified feelings, perfectionistic tendencies, stress, a lack of communication, feelings of inadequacy, and self-doubt.

We will have lessons, including things like identifying our feelings. Name it and tame it.

We will learn about distorted thinking and how to change negative thoughts.

We will learn about affirmation.

We will learn about loneliness and isolation and how to change those feelings and grow.

We will examine our strengths and weaknesses.

We will learn about overcoming perfectionism or perfectionistic tendencies.

We will learn how to counter self-pity or self-loathing.

We will learn how to tame the stress and chaos of life with mindfulness exercises and other means of stress relief.

We will learn that we often care too much about what other people think. We will learn to give less fucks by seeking internal not external validation. 

And finally, we will examine the good, the bad, and the ugly so that you can own your shit and give zero fucks what others think. You will own it, lean into it, and harness its energy to empower yourself through the rest of your journeys.

Next Steps

Okay I know all the things, I don’t have any more questions, and I want to transform my imposter syndrome into a No Fucks Given Confidant Badass Attitude. What’s next?

Click on the link below, select monthly or annual subscription.

Fill out the sign-up request form and enter your payment information. Check your email for confirmation and to learn how the hell this all works.

Perfectly Fucking Imperfect